TINT Helped Océane, a Brazilian Cosmetics Brand, Achieve a Record 32% Add-To-Cart Rate

Océane, a leading manufacturer and retailer of beauty products, has significantly improved the performance of its online store by using the TINT virtual try-on platform. Recent data shows that their add-to-cart rate has increased by over 1000% compared to the industry average.

As one of the first companies to see the potential of TINT, Océane integrated the virtual try-on feature into its website. In Brazil, where virtual try-on technology is still relatively uncommon, this move was expected to give Océane a competitive edge. 

The initial pilot focused on concealers and foundations. Within the first month, the add-to-cart rate for these products increased from the industry standard of 3% to 20.15% — an increase of over 600%. The unexpected demand was so high that Océane quickly ran out of stock. This was just the beginning. 

By July, the add-to-cart rate hit a new peak of 32%, meaning nearly a third of customers who tried Océane products virtually added them to their carts. Océane’s success demonstrates the huge potential of virtual try-on technology, particularly TINT’s platform, which supports a wide range of product categories beyond just concealers and foundations. They are: Lipstick/Lip gloss; Blush; Eyeliner; Eyeshadow; Eyelashes; Mascara; Eyebrows; Skincare; Sunglasses/Eyeglasses; Nail polish; Jewelry; Headwear.

These products can be tried on individually or as part of a complete look. Additionally, TINT features a sophisticated AI recommendation system that suggests items tailored to enhance each user's overall appearance.