From Studio to Spatial: Leveraging Volumetric Capture in Hollywood for Futuristic Music Performances

30+ professionals joined our meeting on Volumetric Capture in Hollywood for Futuristic Music Performances during our weekly online sessions.

The meeting discussed leveraging volumetric capture technology in Hollywood for futuristic music performances. Key points included the integration of VR and real-life broadcasts, the importance of broadband access for underserved communities, and the nomination of a small studio for XR awards alongside major companies like Marvel and Disney. The discussion highlighted the benefits of volumetric capture, such as rapid content creation, reduced production costs, and enhanced audience engagement. Examples included Travis Scott's Fortnite performance and the potential for immersive, region-independent performances. The technology aims to revolutionize content delivery and education by eliminating regional boundaries and enhancing accessibility.

We discussed advancements in content creation, the evolution of business models in entertainment, and the implications of volumetric capture technology. Concerns were raised about the current streaming model's impact on content creation and children's education. The role of AI in content creation and education was highlighted, emphasizing the need for curated datasets. Discussions also covered the educational potential of video games, the importance of technology in music learning, and the need for community building in entertainment. Plans for future sessions and events were confirmed, reinforcing a commitment to ongoing collaboration.