We are excited to welcome Nathan Klose as the VRARA Alabama Chapter President!
Nathan Klose cares. He’s the Lead / Chief Creative at Integration Innovation, Inc. (i3), and VRARA Chapter President, who cares. Living in Huntsville, Alabama, Nathan’s work has touched brands like Disney, ESPN, Adult Swim, Marvel, Books-a-Million, Star Wars, Mercedes-Benz, and more. With decades of experience in his field — from interactive game-based education, serious games, and XR experiences at i3, to business strategy, branding, and strategy across industry and commerce — he’s trying to show, at every effort, that he cares.
After you’ve finished reading Nathan’s bio, he hopes you will care, alongside him and everyone else reading it, about what’s next in this emerging, wild-wild west of an industry.
“Sing it with us, y’all: sweet home, AL VRARA! Our Alabama VRARA Chapter is hyper-focused – and hyper-excited – to seek out relevant, practical intersections between immersive and emerging technology and apply it across the state. The VRARA as a whole, and the communities of practice it fosters within, represent a tried-and-true model to make this happen. We’re proud to be associated with the association, y’all. And we’re ready to see it happen at scale.”