Recap of our AI-Driven Healthcare VR Apps

Tess McKinney hosted, AI-Driven Mindset Shift Technology for Personalized Enhancement of Well-Being and Peak Performanc, during our weekly online sessions.

The discussion highlighted an AI Healthcare app, designed to enhance personal well-being through cognitive interventions, breathing exercises, video therapeutics, and psychodynamic interventions, targeting stress and anxiety. Research presented emphasized the impact of geometric shapes and fractals on emotions and well-being, alongside the effectiveness in improving mental health outcomes, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. The potential of art and VR to influence gene expression related to inflammation and immunity was also explored. The meeting concluded with insights on user engagement strategies for the newly launched consumer access app, noting preferences for session lengths and the comparative effectiveness of mobile versus VR platforms.

Overview of the App and Its Purpose

  • an app that assists users in shifting their mindsets to feel better and perform at their highest potential.

  • The app targets well-being specifically related to stress, anxiety, and distraction, while also providing insights for enhancing performance.

  • It is deployable on various platforms, including mobile devices, desktop computers, televisions, virtual reality headsets, and in the metaverse.

3. Components of the Platform

  • The four major components are cognitive interventions, breathing exercises, video therapeutics, and psychodynamic interventions.

  • Cognitive techniques include growth mindset tips, daily inspirations, affirmations, high performance tips, and random acts of kindness, all aimed at positively influencing users' mental states.

  • Breathing exercises offered are based on research and include techniques like triangle breathing and box breathing, which have been shown to be effective.

4. Impact of Geometry and Fractals on Well-Being

  • Research indicates that geometric shapes can significantly impact well-being, with circles eliciting positive responses and upside-down triangles causing fear.

  • The fractal channel is based on the observation that the human body and nature share similar fractal designs, which can positively affect brain function.

  • The brain is influenced by symbolism and architecture, which are being incorporated into the development of new art and fashion paradigms.

  • A seven-pronged regional brain approach was developed to address various forms of anxiety, recognizing that different individuals experience anxiety in distinct ways.

5. Impact of Art and Virtual Reality on Health

  • Research published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings Digital Health indicates that long-term transcendental meditation can down-regulate 49 genes associated with inflammation and activate genes related to immunity and oxygen carrying capacity.

  • A study found that listening to 20 minutes of Mozart's Violin Concerto No. 3 resulted in changes at a genetic level, boosting the function of tiny RNA molecules that control genes related to inflammation and brain development.

  • designed to cater to a broader audience, including those who do not meditate, by offering features like cognitive and breathing exercises, making it a versatile well-being platform.

  • The platform discussed is being used in various settings, including wellness rooms, fitness centers, and first responder stations, and is available on major VR consumer and enterprise platforms.

6. Platform Overview

  • The platform aims to help users feel better and perform at their highest by providing personalized video experiences and insights that can be accessed across multiple devices.

7. User Engagement with App Duration

  • In studies, participants expressed a split preference regarding the duration of app sessions, with 50% wanting longer sessions and 50% preferring shorter ones. However, many users indicated they lack time for even a five-minute relaxation session, suggesting that a three-minute experience would be optimal.