VRARA Enterprise White Paper 2024: Benefits and Best Practices for XR Employee Onboarding (download)

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XR technology can be applied to various industries, sectors, and scenarios, such as automotive, energy, ESG, virtual offices, immersive training, retail, and corporate marketing. Some examples of XR applications include VR engineering or product design studios, AR safety apps, digital twin systems for manufacturing, virtual flagship automotive dealerships, virtual de-escalation training or other soft skills training, and AR retail and fashion experiences.

To provide a great user experience for the onboarding process with XR applications, it is essential to ensure user-centric design, interactivity, accessibility, technical performance, security and privacy, continuous learning improvement, and skill building. These considerations can help users effectively learn and interact with the XR environment, thus improving onboarding outcomes.

There are many companies that provide XR onboarding products and services, such as Microsoft, Unity, Immerse, VRdirect, many others. These companies aim to enable organizations to effectively integrate immersive technologies into their business and onboarding processes. Thus, they have each made significant capital investments towards that end.

XR onboarding metrics are indicators that measure the effectiveness, efficiency, and user satisfaction of the onboarding process for XR applications. Some of the metrics include completion rate, time to completion, drop-off points, user satisfaction, retention rate, error rate, standard engagement metrics, conversion rate, feedback analysis, performance metrics, behavioral changes, support requests, learning curve, post-onboarding performance, and contribution to improving outcomes. Each of these must have a well-developed baseline measurement for any meaningful data to be collected, resulting in an auditable Return on Investment (ROI) report generation.

Effective XR onboarding is essential for improving business processes and outcomes, as well as increasing user/new hire productivity, proficiency, satisfaction, and engagement, so the organization is better positioned to meaningfully improve internal operations, perform for customers, and advance other new business opportunities. For example, Bank of America reported 100% of learners performing intended on-the-job behavior after XR training, highlighting the effectiveness of immersive experiences.