Summary of our New Challenges of 3D Volumetric Capture and Its Application to Real-Time XR

Carlos Ochoa hosted our online session. The importance of volumetric capture in creating interactive content, applications in music experiences, and immersive experiences for young people were highlighted. The meeting covered the challenges and future potential of volumetric video technology, including its integration in live concerts. We emphasized the need for practical education in tech fields and suggested introducing AI education for kids and parents. The discussion also touched on investment in technology for education, studio setup, future projects, technology adoption, challenges with Unity and Unreal platforms, and the future of technology focusing on web-based experiences.

Topics & Highlights

Volumetric Capture and Interactive Content Creation

  • volumetric capture and its value in the immersive field, emphasizing the challenges of processing large amounts of data for real-time experiences.

  • need for new interactive content formats, the limitations of current one-directional content shared by brands and artists, and the significance of integrating real people through volumetric video for enhanced audience interaction and engagement.

4. Volumetric Video Applications

  • capabilities of volumetric video technology, such as creating holographic experiences with idols , integrating real teachers in education, and enhancing learning and first aid training through interactive experiences.

5. Immersive Music Experiences

  • potential of volumetric video technology in creating immersive music experiences, like having artists like Taylor Swift perform in users' homes and enabling interactions like taking photos and recording videos with them.

6. Creation of Immersive Experiences for Young People

  • importance of storytelling, training musicians/actors in technology, and ensuring high-quality recordings for immersive experiences.

  • complexities of recording hyper-realistic content, the use of volumetric video, and the extensive data processing required for creating realistic 3D objects.

7. Volumetric Video Technology

  • The discussion covers various aspects of volumetric video technology, such as the time and cost challenges in processing data, live streaming capabilities, 3D avatar generation, potential applications in video games, education, and entertainment.

8. Integration of Volumetric Video in Live Concerts

  • The decision to focus on integrating volumetric video technology in live concerts for real-time interaction with avatars and exploring new engagement opportunities with audiences.

  • Concerns raised about the delay time in using current technology, potential innovations with future technologies like 6G, and the need for improvement in interactive experiences.

9. Innovative Education Methods

  • need for students to work with professionals in the tech sector to learn from real-world challenges and solutions, highlighting the importance of fresh perspectives and innovative thinking.

  • introducing artificial intelligence education for kids and parents, stressing the importance of preparing for the future and ensuring everyone has the necessary tech knowledge.

10. Investment in Technology for Education

  • creating volumetric video technology studios may require an investment of around 200,000 euros, along with additional fees for using the technology from other studios.

11. Discussion on Studio Setup and Content Generation

  • costs involved in setting up a studio and generating content, with different price points for each option.

  • persuading a business partner to fund the studio setup as they are more interested in creating applications rather than owning the studio.

12. Discussion on Future Projects and Technology Adoption

  • shift towards 3D images and the potential decline in traditional reading and writing skills in the younger generation.

  • idea of finding funding to set up a studio in Silicon Valley, indicating a potential next step.

  • concerns about the challenges in convincing older individuals, including his own children, to adopt new technologies like AI and digital tools.

13. Challenges with Unity and Unreal Platforms

  • concerns about the challenges encountered with Unity and Unreal platforms, highlighting the need for extensive programming efforts, compatibility issues with headsets, and the importance of collaboration with partners for support.

14. Future of Technology and Web Experiences

  • potential of using web for immersive experiences, highlighting the shift towards web-based technologies for accessibility and user engagement, with a focus on advancements in 3D technology by NVIDIA.