IIT Jodhpur in collaboration with TIH iHub Drishti Foundation, IIT Jodhpur invites applications for admission to the M.Tech. in AR/VR for the Working Professionals for the Upcoming Semester

iHub Drishti Foundation (iHub-Drishti) is a Section-8, Not-for-profit Company, promoted by and at the Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur under a National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems (NM-ICPS) of the Government of India. iHub Drishti, IIT Jodhpur is a Technology Innovation Hub (TIH) focused around “Computer Vision, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality”.

"The programme will be conducted by faculties from different IITs and Industry experts"

Features of the Program:

● Impart in-depth knowledge and analytical and experimental research skills to solve AR & VR systems problems
● Provide knowledge of several tools for the design and modeling of AR & VR applications and immersive experiences
● Develop the ability to cultivate technological solutions for addressing the growing demands of AR & VR systems
● Offered as a 3 year Programme.

The details about M. Tech. in AR VR is available here:

Advertisement 𝐏𝐃𝐅: https://ihub-drishti.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5e9b0f0be3e2f3f269a8990c8&id=b3dc266c43&e=a8d353498

FAQ: https://mtecharvr.ihub-drishti.ai/FAQ

Curriculum: https://iitj.ac.in/acad_website/pg_curriculum/Concept%20Note%20on%20M.Tech%20AR-VR%2014.6.2022.pdf

Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxPHWCJgOH0

Apply Now:https://oa.iitj.ac.in/OA_PG_ADMISSION/

Please contact Pradeep at pradeep@thevrara.com for any further queries