TRIVVER Creates the Ad Standard for XR Viewability Metrics

Much like the early days of digital display and video advertising, the “Opportunity To See” continues to be a challenge, especially for the XR space. For example, the current approach to collect the time between a click to launch and a click to end an AR experience is just bad data. We all know that there are countless angles where the user can move their screen off of an AR asset during their AR experience. Trivver has developed a viewability standard by meeting the following three minimum metrics below. We term these criteria a ’T-VIEW’.

How large was the 3D branded object on screen? After all, what good is the object if it's very small?
Trivver believes if the size of an object occupies over 5% of the screen and both minimum requirements are met below, only then should a company be charged for the placed ad.

What percentage of the Screen Coverage (above) is actually in view? For example, if the branded object covers 40% of the screen but when the audience viewing it shifts their perspective and now only half that object is in view, this certainly dilutes the effectiveness of the paid placement.

Trivver believes an object needs to be at least 70% or more in view for this minimum requirement to be met.

How long was the object in view? If the audience terminates the AR experience shortly after opening it, what value does it bring to the company? Chances are, not much, and it’s, for this reason, Trivver does not charge for an ad should this third minimum requirement not be met.

Trivver believes an ad must reach both minimum criteria above and be in view for at least 5 seconds in order for the ad to be valid.

Trivver’s viewability measurement tool is easy to add to any XR content.

To learn more about Trivver please visit:


Name: Joel LaMontagne

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