Last Call for Speakers & Sponsors for our VRARA Healthcare Forum on Dec 16!

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Physicians already use VR for a variety of medical procedures, and VR telemedicine is becoming the new normal. AR helps create rich, interactive experiences that show how new drugs and medical devices interact with the body.

The VRARA Healthcare Forum brings together the best minds in the Virtual & Augmented Reality ecosystem in the medical sector!  Meet the top vendors and end-users who are leading in this space!  

In addition to presentations and demos, we will have the best-in-class online networking!  We will have group networking, plus, a 1-on-1 networking area that will enable you to connect on video with all the Speakers & Sponsors and other executives attending, where you can preview each other's credentials and bio, and talk business!

We expect 300-500+ executives from leading vendors and top brands/end-users.

Confirmed end-users/brands presenting include: Mayo Clinic, Medtronic, and others! Other participants include Johnson & Johnson, UK National Health Service (NHS), Microsoft, School of Medicine, SC, Universität Zürich, UCF, Medical College, Wisconsin, among many others! 

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To Speak and or Sponsor, email