The VRARA Aerospace Committee will have its kickoff call on Sept 20th 1pm EST.
The Committee is co-chaired by Samuel Trevino, Insitu (a Boeing company) and Dr. Alethea Duhon, Air Force Agency of Modeling and Simulation.
If interested to participate, email
About the Committee
The Aerospace Committee of the VR/AR Association serves as a resource to promote the application of VR/AR technology as a solution to a number of traditional problems in aerospace. The committee will enable the sharing of best practices and information on VR/AR related applications in the aerospace industry as well as curate industry relevant case studies. Furthermore, the committee will, as necessary, shape and recommend best practices for the scaling of VR/AR applications across aerospace.
Areas of focus for the Committee include:
Data visualization
Learning & Training an aging workforce;
Learning and training a new work force;
Troubleshooting and live support;
Safety & EHS as pertains to the aerospace industry
Guided assistance of factory workers & field technicians in aerospace.