The VR/AR Association (VRARA) Israel Chapter is producing an industry report on the country's VR AR ecosystem to promote Israeli companies and organizations involved with immersive technologies and media. The report will be promoted by VRARA and our media partners around the world.
Would you be interested to have your company featured in this report or sponsor the report? If yes, then please email
The report will specifically highlight the following:
Size of the Israel market
Number of relevant companies in Israel
Company info (size: number of employees, revenue; vertical, customers)
Reasons why company is based in Israel
Needs and hopes from and for the Israel ecosystem
As a sponsor, you will receive:
Recognition on the front cover of the report, in our newsletter to 27K emails, on our website (20K unique visitors per month), and social media (1M reach)
Email blast to the contact list of people downloading the report
As an example, you can see our Reports for other ecosystems around the worldhere.
If you are interested in being featured or sponsor, please email