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VRARA NYC Chapter is producing an industry report on the NYC VR AR ecosystem to promote NYC companies and organizations involved with immersive technologies and media. Would you be interested to have your company featured in this report or sponsor the report? If yes, then let us know at info@thevrara.com
Given NYC is a metropolitan hub for national & international businesses, institutions, and organizations, this report will represent the brilliant minds all over the VR/AR ecosystem, from original content creators & creative distributors to innovative hardware companies to ambitious researchers.
The report will specifically highlight the following:
Size of the NYC market
Number of relevant companies in NYC
List of companies and company info (size: number of employees, revenue; vertical, customers)
Reasons why company is based in NYC
Needs and hopes from and for the NYC ecosystem
If you have any questions or are interested in being featured or sponsor, please reply to this email or email info@thevrara.com
A sample of the report's infographic and list of companies already included is shown below:
Brave New World
Brick Simple
Confideo Labs
Media Combo
Nice Shoes
NKLS Media
OffWorld Laboratories
Rutgers Prep
Saber VR
SMACAR Solutions Inc.
Touchstone Research
If you have any questions or are interested in being featured or sponsor, please reply to this email or email info@thevrara.com