Stanford, October 6-7, 2017
Please join Stanford's conference and interact with all stakeholders in this VR/AR and behavioral change space, including psychiatrists, psychologists, behavioral scientists, neuroscientists, engineers, developers, designers, entrepreneurs, etc. We will explore the application of immersive technologies for treating and researching addictions, ADHD, anxiety, PTSD, psychosis, pain, depression, psychosomatic illness and more. In addition to lectures with time for questions and answers, the conference will feature a “shark-tank” style innovation lab, demonstrations, and scientific posters.
For information and to register visit here
Call for VR Poster Abstracts (due August 1, 2017) and Brainstorm VR Innovation Lab Entries (due September 1, 2017) at our VR conference.
Instructions available here
Speakers (subject to change): Jeremy Bailenson, Walter Greenleaf, Giuseppe Riva, “Skip” Rizzo, Pat Bordnick, JoAnn Difede, Diane Gromala, Hunter Hoffman, David Thomas, Jacob Balon, Kim Bullock, Tom Caruso, Anne Dubin, Kate Hardy, Hadi Hosseini, Alan Louie, Sean Mackey, Laura Roberts, Sam Rodriguez, Nina Vasan, Leanne Williams, and others.