
Call for Participation: Best VR/AR Companies in Portugal (Market Report)

VR/AR Association Portugal Chapter is producing an industry report on the country's Virtual and Augmented Reality ecosystem to promote Portuguese companies and organizations involved with immersive technologies and media.

Portugal's immersive market is growing rapidly. We already have about 100 companies, agencies and brands developing VR and AR solutions. From small startups to large companies, such as Siemens, which has a group in Portugal developing immersive technologies globally for the company.

This group of companies, adds to more than 20 Universities, Research Centers, Training Centers and spontaneous communities that discuss and develops immersive technologies all across the country.
There is a lot of social interest, willingness and experience in creating skills and recently the expectation of implementing 5G networks in the country, which should happen in the beginning of 2021.

The potential of immersive technologies and the way they are already changing the reality in many companies and services in Portugal, mainly for the end consumer, was well evidenced in the first VR/AR Global Summit Online this year, with several panels dedicated to the Portuguese market.

Our local chapter has developed relevant partnerships with trade associations and important local institutions, such as APDC and CDI, to join forces and work together to be even stronger and to spread immersion technology throughout the country and also looking for the European market.

Our Industry Report will specifically highlight the following:
• Size of the Portuguese market
• Number of relevant companies in Portugal
• Local directory and Company info (size: number of employees, revenue; vertical, customers)
• Reasons why company is based in Portugal
• Needs and hopes from and for the local ecosystem

Our report will be promoted via global VRARA channels and partners, which includes: Our global newsletter to over 35k emails, on our website (20K unique visitors per month), and social media (50K followers).

Would you be interested to have your company featured in this report? Submit your info here!

Any qyestions, then let us know at