ASUS Germany launches Windows Mixed Reality VR Headset at VRARA Munich Chapter Event

The Munich VRARA Chapter held it's official launch event on the 21st of February at the German Headquarter of Microsoft Munich together with ASUS. The sold-out event with more than 100 participants provided the opportunity for updates on Microsoft's Windows Mixed Reality platform, and the latest VR products from ASUS.

This was the official launch in Germany for their brand-new Mixed Reality Headset.

In addition to the presentations, there was loads networking, snacks and hands-on experiences on 6 separate VR installations featuring the latest hardware provided by ASUS and software from Microsoft. In total there was more 12 hours of live VR interactivity for the attendees to experience and the feedback was that it was resounding success and a great introduction of the VR/AR Association into Munich's thriving VR/AR Ecosystem.

Please contact Thomas Fickert, Chapter President Munich to learn more about upcoming events or partnership opportunities.

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