Perfecting Space Exploration with Boeing and Varjo

Perfecting Space Exploration with Boeing and Varjo

Tyler and Sophia talk with Leighton Carr and Steve Siceloff of Boeing and Geoff Bund of Varjo about the incredible strides they are making with the Starliner program and how virtual reality has become a key component in effective training for the launch and operation of the Starliner spacecraft.

The Future of AI Conversations with Lauren Kunze of Pandorabots

The Future of AI Conversations with Lauren Kunze of Pandorabots

Tyler and Sophia talk with Lauren Kunze, CEO of Pandorabots, to discuss the interesting developments in artificially intelligent chatbots and how they will be increasingly more present and important in our day-to-day interactions with virtual worlds.

The Evolution of Special Effects with John Canning of Digital Domain

The Evolution of Special Effects with John Canning of Digital Domain

Tyler and Sophia catch up with John Canning, Executive Producer at Digital Domain to talk about how animation and special effects in media production have evolved to become higher quality, less costly, and easier to achieve with immersive technology.

Entering the New Reality with Alvin Graylin of HTC

Entering the New Reality with Alvin Graylin of HTC

Tyler and Sophia have an inspiring conversation with Alvin Graylin, President of HTC China, around the new realities we are currently facing and how immersive technology is quickly enabling intimate virtual connections like we've never experienced before.