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Remote Assist/Collaborate - Mobile/Tablet Augmented Reality (Online Event)

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How best to collaborate, assist a remote location with Mobile / Tablet based Augmented Reality (AR)

In the Covid driven new normal, organisations often found themselves in a situation where some equipment /system needed to be installed / maintained / troubleshooted in another location, maybe hundreds or thousands of kilometers away. However, there were travel restrictions and skilled people could not travel. So, how best to collaborate, assist a remote location? More importantly, how to do it in an economical and scalable way? To learn more, join this fireside chat between Pradeep Khanna (Executive Director Asia Pacific & CEO Global Mindset) with Keyur Bhalavat (Founder and CEO of Plutomen Technologies) on Mobile Augmented Reality (AR) Remote Assist/Collaborate value proposition. It is no wonder, Mobile AR has been exploding in activity in the new normal

Enterprise need for Remote Assistance / Collaboration has grown exponentially during Covid times as a way to remain productive, travel less and stay safe. Businesses have altered the way of installing, inspecting, troubleshooting and maintaining. Along with this significant rise in demand, there has been an increase in supply of AR based Remote Collaboration tools. Enterprises now do have numerous options leveraging immersive technologies.

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