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Unboxing XR Dev Careers: What team leads look for when hiring with Tesla (online event)

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Once a month, we are bringing XR tech leads of top 500 companies or large XR teams. They have gone through thousands of CVs, attended hundreds of interviews, and hired tens of developers - and they are cracking the formula of what to learn to become one of the fellow members of these leading XR teams of the industry.

Are you looking to get hired into a junior or senior developer XR role and want to know all about tech interviews in the space? Are you looking to become part of leading XR teams and projects in the industry?

Tyler Lindell is former Software Engineer at Tesla, an AI / AR / VR Software Engineer at Holographic Interfaces, has served as the software team lead for rLoop (a hyperloop company), and is Tesla’s AR / VR group founder.

Tyler will share his knowledge about his own

  • key lessons learned from his own career path becoming an XR team lead

  • how to create a portfolio that stands out.

During the XR Careers Roundtable Discussion with senior XR developers and recruiters like Tyler Lindell (Tesla), Roger Kueng (Holonautic), Ayhan Sakarya (XR Bootcamp), Rian Luke (Meta Headhunting), you’ll have the opportunity to get their advice on building stand-out portfolios, hiring process tips, and landing work on some of the most innovative projects leveraging AR/VR to its full potential.

XR Careers Roundtable Discussion:

  • What are the key tech skills and tools needed in an industry XR business setting?

  • How prototyping skills are key to gain senior-level XR development experience?

  • Top 5 criteria while recruiting an XR dev or designer from different perspectives

  • General Tips for XR job hunting

  • Biggest mistakes to avoid on any XR development tech interview

Join the round table discussion and ask us your most pressing questions!

More info and register here