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Meet the XR Person: Tim Gentle in a fireside chat with Pradeep

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Tim Gentle is Founder and Director of Think Digital, self proclaimed Digital Crusader, Educator & Entrepreneur. An advocate for regional, rural and remote Australia.

Think Digital is an XR Studio, based in Adelaide Australia that creates Immersive Technology (Virtual Reality + Augmented Reality) solutions for Agriculture to assist with Marketing, Education, Training and on Farm Productivity gains.

Their educational brands - FarmVR and FarmAR Apps are used extensively in education, to teach kids where their food comes from and to inspire them to consider a career in Agriculture.

Their 14 metre Mobile Classroom (kitted out with 20 VR headsets), travels throughout Regional, Rural and Remote Australia delivering XR Experiences at Ag shows, events and conferences.

He has over 20 years of experience in Marketing and the Digital world. Tim’s energy, enthusiasm and industry knowledge has been shared in well over 2000 workshops both internationally and across Australia.

His vision is to help feed the world!