Recap of our Healthcare Session: Pfizer, Harvard MedTech, Allergan, HIPAA

Thank you Lucky Lance Gobindram for presenting to 30 doctors, nurses, healthcare medical professionals about "Revolutionizing Healthcare: The Transformative Power of VR, AR, and XR" during our weekly online sessions and Alicja Jaworska for hosting.

The conversation centered around the potential of spatial computing and extended reality in healthcare, with speakers highlighting successful implementations in medical education and pain therapy. Speakers emphasized the immersive nature of VR/AR/MR, which can enhance collaboration and learning, and provide personalized healthcare experiences. However, adoption rates are low due to a lack of education and understanding among decision-makers and employees. The importance of education and training for healthcare professionals (HCPs) to effectively utilize these technologies was also discussed. Additionally, HIPAA compliance in healthcare technology was addressed, with speakers emphasizing that it is solvable and manageable in the current ecosystem.

The meeting started with a focus on Spatial Technology in Healthcare, highlighting Pfizer's use of virtual reality for training programs during the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to cost savings and efficiency. The impact of Virtual Reality (VR) technology in healthcare was discussed, emphasizing cost savings, improved training processes, and patient outcomes. Practical hands-on experience with spatial technology through VR applications for medical education was explored, showcasing enhanced learning and cost savings. The discussion also touched on how immersive spatial technology enhances engagement and introduces new paradigms in human-computer interaction. The implementation of virtual reality technology in healthcare for patient treatment and team-based care coordination was discussed, with a decision made to implement VR for in-home use. Concerns were raised about low adoption rates of VR and AR technology in organizations. The meeting concluded with sharing contact information for further communication.

Topics & Highlights

1. Spatial Technology in Healthcare

  • companies like Pfizer have saved millions by integrating spatial technology, providing efficiency and value.

  • Pfizer's use of virtual reality for training programs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Pfizer turned to VR to train its staff rapidly and effectively by simulating the manufacturing process in a risk-free, immersive environment.

2. Impact of VR in Healthcare

  • The discussion included various facts such as cost savings achieved by Pfizer, pain reduction percentages for patients, and the success rate of VR-trained surgical students.

  • The decision to explore the impact of VR technology in healthcare and the need to advance with technology for better outcomes.

3. Practical Hands-On Experience with Spatial Technology

  • Spatial technology offers practical hands-on experience that mirrors real-world scenarios, leading to more effective learning and memory retention.

  • Implementation of spatial technology can result in 10% savings in CapEx and OpEx costs for organizations.

4. Enhanced Engagement through Immersivenes

  • Immersive learning environments can significantly improve focus, understanding, and retention of information.

5. Spatial Computing and Human-Computer Interaction Paradigms

  • Spatial computing introduces new paradigms in human-computer interaction, enabling more intuitive, natural ways of engaging with digital content, moving beyond traditional methods like mouth clicks and keystrokes to gestures and movements mirroring real-life actions.

  • Discussion on a mixed reality workflow where practitioners use spatial computing to create treatment plans for patients, share them in real-time, and engage in practical learning, implementation, and execution.

  • Exploration of novel possibilities with spatial computing, unlocking new interactions, learning opportunities, and business potentials by reimagining what's possible in a digital world.

6. Virtual Reality Healthcare Solutions

  • Decision made to implement virtual reality technology for in-home use in healthcare to provide various benefits such as trauma relief, organic healing, and team-based treatment.

  • The concern raised about low adoption rates of VR and AR technology in organizations due to cost, perception, and slow adoption by enterprises.

7. Implementation of Technology in Healthcare

  • The discussion covers the implementation of technology in healthcare, including education for enterprises, creating a business case, cost and affordability at scale, and examples from Harvard MedTech and Allergan use case.

8. Enhanced Patient Engagement and Therapy

  • The discussion revolves around enhanced patient engagement and therapy in healthcare, emphasizing interactive XR modules, simplifying medical information, and personalized health care journeys.

9. Virtual Reality in Healthcare

  • application of mixed reality virtual reality technology in healthcare to enhance empathy and understanding among healthcare professionals for patients with vision issues.

  • concern about HIPAA compliance in the context of data storage and cloud computing, highlighting the importance of meeting HIPAA regulations in digital environments.