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2016 was the hardware introduction year. CES 2017 had exciting product launches and Apple is anticipated to launch something big soon. What is the outlook for 2017 & beyond? What are investors looking for now? Hear from top analysts and investors in the AR/VR space to find out more.
Where are VR and AR headed from a business and investing perspective? This is a question I'm often asked, and spend a lot of time researching.
The fun and games of VR/AR are just that... lots of fun to experience and discuss. But the business case is equally important, and have become a core focus of VRARA SF.
We'll get to stretch our analytical legs on that topic with a presentation to a business and investing-focused crowd next Wednesday at ARVR Munch'nLearn in Palo Alto.
And just to make sure we're eating our own dog food when it comes to VR, the entire presentation will be presented live in VR for remote viewers.
That includes head tracked 360 video in stereoscopic, including the main speaker a/v feed (read: me in front of a green screen), and immersive slides that surround the viewscape.
We'll have that video available on-demand for 360 viewing in youtube and other channels if you miss the live event or broadcast. And If you are there, come say hi.
Find out more here.