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VRARA Boston January Event: Use Cases and Best Practices in #Education and Training

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VRARA Boston Chapter January Event: Use Cases and Best Practices in Education and Training

Join the VRARA's Boston chapter for the first event of 2020! We have two terrific speakers lined up and tickets are limited to 50, so get yours TODAY.

Dr. Angelina Dayton shares best practices regarding design and deployment of virtual reality user experiences into complex organizations such as public schools. Her current projects involve large scale deployment within rural schools in the Cherokee Nation and Navajo Nation boundaries: over 50 schools with over 15,000 students piloting curated content based on state academic standards.

Biogen’s Kyle Lum discusses VR use cases in the pharmaceutical industry, such as training for procedures and reviews of architecture, and lesser-known uses, such as molecular modeling, scientific education, and education of mechanisms of action.


6:30 - 7:00: Arrival. Food and drinks available.

7:00 - 8:00: Talks (with Q&A)

8:00 - 9:30: Networking

Later Event: February 1
Spie AR | VR | MR (SF)